Accredited Quality Contractors

Exclusively for ABC members, the prestigious Accredited Quality Contractor program recognizes an elite group of more than 400 chapter members for excellence in quality, safety, talent management, education, community relations and diversity. The AQC credential helps ABC members recruit and retain employees, win work and demonstrate corporate citizenship. AQC is presented by The Contractors Plan, specializing in benefits administration and compliance for prevailing wage contractors.


The Accredited Quality Contractor Program was launched in 1993. It is a program which publicly recognizes and honors those construction firms which have documented their commitment in five key areas of corporate responsibility:

AQC logo

  • Quality
  • Safety (STEP Gold, Platinum or Diamond Level Required)
  • Employee Benefits
  • Training
  • Community Relations


  • Wide recognition within the industry, the business community, and the public
  • National and local recognition in publications
  • Authorization to use AQC language in bid documents
  • Permission to use the AQC logo on letterhead, business cards and jobsite signs
  • Access to AQC Marketing Materials such as stickers, brochures, membership plaque, etc.
  • Points on National Excellence in Construction Awards submissions for being AQC certified

The AQC Program is recognized by CURT. 

Contractors that successfully qualify as "Accredited Quality Contractors" are accredited for one year.

*Member companies must renew each year.