Political Advocacy    

What does the ABC - South Texas Chapter do to support advocacy?     

  • Represent members and the merit shop philosophy at local legislative meetings, hearings, press conferences and other forums
  • Educate the community about local legislation, candidates and elections
  • Ignite grassroots efforts (letter campaigns, phone calls, legislative visits) to support critical issues
  • Political fundraising to support construction-friendly candidates and legislation

Where do you come in?

As a constituent, you have a vital role to play in the legislative process. When you take the time to write, call or visit representatives in-person, they listen and take what you say into consideration. 

Your story CAN change their view on the issues that affect you, your employees and your community.

So get involved! 

In order to get our advocacy updates and action alerts contact our Interim Chapter President – Michelle Seward Davis [email protected].

ABC Action App

ABC Action App
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ABC Action is an advanced advocacy tool that enables users to become a vital part of the ABC grassroots advocacy efforts and further the merit shop philosophy.

More Resources

National Advocacy
Check our national website.

Learn more about "bannering," an organized labor pressure tactic. 

Learn more about project labor agreements across the nation.